Zion Bible College Moving Into Town! Answered Prayer!
Since the closing of Bradford College in the year 2000, there have been many people throughout the U.S. praying that God would restore to Bradford College the original destiny God intended for it. Not only have local groups and individuals prayer walked this campus, but those from around the nation have as well, including Dr. Doug Stringer, Lou Engle, John Paul Jackson, Rolland Baker and Bob Weiner.
In 1803 when the school initially opened as Bradford Academy, it was a higher education school for women, training it's students up for the ministry and missions. In fact, Bradford Common was the location of the first group of missionaries that were commissioned and sent out from the US to other nations.
With the amazing acquisition of Bradford College by Zion Bible College, truly God is in the process of restoring His plan and purpose for this area.
Please read the article below taken from the Eagle Tribune.