Dr. Doug Stringer – Visits New England
Dr. Doug Stringer will be visiting the New England Area May 11th through May 13th. Mark your calender for the dates listed below.
On May 11th at 6:30 PM, Dr. Doug Stringer will be speaking on "Perservering Leadership". This event will be hosted by Pastor Clayton Reed and the River of Life Church in Ward Hill. (www.myriveroflife.org).
For directions to this event, please click here!
On May 12th 10:00 AM, Dr. Doug Stringer will be speaking at a meeting of the Massachusetts Prayer Network. The meeting will be hosted by Pastor Raffoul Najem at Community Christian Fellowship in Lowell. (www.calledoutsentout.com).
For more information on the Massachusetts Prayer Network you can visit their website at www.massprayer.net.
On May 13th at 10:00 AM, Dr. Doug Stringer will be ministering at the 10:00 am service Community Christian Fellowship, www.calledoutsentout.com (CCF Lowell). CCF is located at 105 Princeton in Lowell. For directions to CCF Lowell, please click the link below.
On May 13th at 3:00 PM, Dr. Doug Stringer will be ministering at CCF Street Church in Haverhill. (www.ccfstreetchurch.org)
If you would like more information on Dr. Stringer, feel free to visit his websites listed below. You can click on Dr. Stringer's picture above to view his bio.