Last year Nancy Fagen Director of Haverhill Department Social Services and Director of SCNE Marlene Yeo were scheduled to appear on one of the Haverhill Cable Station talk shows. Due to studio renovations we were cancelled. Darlene Beals who works for the cable station suggested that with all the exciting things that were happening with Somebody Cares in the city that we become trained to host our own show.
Thanks to the dedication, training and hard work of George, Connie, Sam, Dan and Tim Plouffe, we now have our own show.
The show is taped each month and shown several times through out the month on Channel 22. We have a variety of guests including those we have had the privelege to minister to, ministries and organizations that we have been able to support and serve as well as those that collaborate with SCNE to cause greater synergy and effectiveness.
Check the Haverhill Community Television web for listings